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Mountains throughout the world have given rise to stories big and small, silly and spooky, lighthearted and cautionary. Thanks to everyone who joined Frost Mountain Nordic and NENSA for the BKL Festival at Rikert Outdoor Center on March 2-3, 2024. We had a wonderful weekend filled with skiing, exploring, stories, and games. Enjoy the video recaps below. 

NENSA Video Recap
MCTV Video Recap
Check out Josh Hummel's great photographs of the weekend.

*The Festival logo was designed by Viscaya Wagner, a multidisciplinary artist and designer based in Burlington, Vermont. She creates objects, artwork, and spaces that prompt us to consider our own inhabitation of the world — bringing depth, form, and humanity to our surroundings.  Viscaya’s work is inspired by human connection with the natural world and champions a deep connection with the outdoors. She hopes her illustrations bring joy, comfort, inspiration, or motivation to participate in this world in a meaningful way.


Find out more about Viscaya Wagner Design Studio:  •


Thank you to all of our sponsors. We are grateful for your support of this festival and of youth cross country skiing in New England! 


Click on their logos and check out these great businesses!

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